Books, Publications, and Articles

The Kingston Historical Society is pleased to present the following publications.

Margaret Angus Paper by Sarah Morgan (on line)

Favourite Son? John A. Macdonald and the Voters of Kingston 1841-1891 by Ged Martin. $35

A Troublesome Berth: The Journal of First Lieutenant Charles Allan Parker, Royal Marines: The Canada Years 1838-1840 edited by Robert J. Andrews & Rosalyn Parker Art. $40

Illustrated Guide to Monuments, Memorials & Markers in the Kingston Area $25

The City of Kingston Portrait Collection – Historical Sketches & Portrait Views by Marjorie Simmons. $30

Kingston Volunteers: The Thing to Do by Peter Gower $25

Sideshow or Main Event: Putting the War of 1812 into Regional Contexts (conference proceedings) Various authors. $20

NEW!! “To Build a Good Neighbourhood” Grenville Park The First Fifty Years (2nd edition, 2024, with updated appendices). $20

Historic Kingston: Single volumes from volume 10 on: $25. We can provide pdfs of particular pages of any volume at $1 a page, minimum order $10

Historic Kingston Indexes:
Volumes 1 -20, 21-25, 26-33, 34-44, 45-54:  $10 each. Indexes for Volumes 55 onwards are available online.

Mailing within Canada is free! To purchase, contact us. Selected titles are also available at Novel Idea in Kingston.