Please scroll down to see the 2025 programme. Members receive the Zoom link on the Friday before the Wednesday meeting. Non-members should please email before 6 p.m. on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link.
The Kingsbridge Retirement Community at 950 Centennial Drive is the tall building just south of Princess Street. Enter on the east side (the other end from Centennial Drive). Staff will be at the door to give you directions. Park in any unmarked parking space; there is also parking around Shoppers Drug Mart. Express buses #501 and 502 serve Upper Princess Street with a stop very near Kingsbridge. Bus #4 offers slower service along Princess Street from downtown. Use the Centennial Drive bus stop.
Upcoming Meetings
April 16, 2025: Dr. Sandy Campbell, emerita professor of women’s studies at Carleton University will speak on “Kingston’s Kathleen Hammond, the Lusitania and the White Plague”, a story of World War I happiness and tragedy.
May 21, 2025: Christine Lavallee, a St. Lawrence College librarian, writer and literary scholar, will talk about her research into nineteenth-century Canadian author Julia Beckwith Hart, whose pioneering novel – St. Ursula’s Convent —was partially set in Kingston and is said to be the first indigenous work of Canadian fiction.
June 6, 2025: The Kingston Historical Society will host its annual commemoration of the 1891 death of our first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, at his grave site in Cataraqui Cemetery. Speaker and details to be announced in Limelight and on the KHS website.
September 17, 2025: Susan Smith, the long-time editor of Thousand Islands Life on-line magazine and author of The First Summer People: The Thousand Islands 1650-1910, will reflect on the history and heritage of the Thousand Islands, the iconic stretch of the St. Lawrence just east of Kingston.
October 15, 2025: Paul Van Nest, a local historian, will relate the World War II experience of his cousin Glenn Brooks, an eastern Ontario farm boy who served as a tail gunner on an RCAF bomber until his death over Germany in 1944. Brooks’ letters home offer Van Nest a prism through which to probe the innermost experience of men at war and their ongoing impact of their loss on those left behind.
November 19: Warren Everett, military historian and collector of military medals, will reflect on the significance of military decorations not just for the immediate recipient, but also for the society he/she served. Warren will bring samples from his expansive collection.
Dr. Duncan McDowall spoke on “HMCS Thiepval: Kingston’s Little Ship That Could.” A tale of a World War I warship built on Kingston shores that found fame and eventual misadventure on the high seas. You an watch the presentation here.
Annual General Meeting of KHS. The 2024 Financial Statement is here. The Agenda for the AGM is here. The video of the meeting is here.
Meetings held in 2020 to 2024 are indexed by topic and by speaker here. You can download a Word document with live links to YouTube.
You might want to catch up on your reading about Kingston. We have produced a Reading List – click here to see it! Contact us here with suggestions for additions to the list. We also recommend you viewing a video describing the 22 National Historic Sites of Kingston. You can find it here . If you have comments on it, please contact Greg Anderson at gpanderson191@gmail.
You can follow presentations of the Ottawa Historical Society here
Saturday March 29, 2 – 4pm. (Doors open 1:30pm) The Frontenac Heritage Foundation presents Out of Sight But Not Unseen a talk by Dr. Susan Bazely on what is under the Church Hall of St Paul’s Anglican Church – 137 Queen Street (enter church hall off Montreal St.)
Monday April 7, 5 pm, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation presents ‘The Ebb and Flow of Heritage in Kingston – Reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Ontario Heritage Act.’ by Dr. Marcus Letourneau at the Renaissance Event Venue, Tavern, 285 Queen Street. Enter through the main entrance at the glass atrium and proceed downstairs to the lower-level Tavern.
Thursday April 10 the Canadian Club of Kingston, at the Cataraqui Golf & Country Club, presents Don Mann talking on “My Mother’s Story about the Sinking of the Titanic” Lecture is preceded by lunch served at 12 p.m. Lunch price is $37 for members, $45 for non-members. Check for details and register one week in advance through Payment by e-transfer, credit card or by cash or cheque at the door.
Thursday May 8 the Canadian Club of Kingston, at the Cataraqui Golf & Country Club, presents Marisa Beck talking on “The Challenges of Climate Change” Lecture is preceded by lunch served at 12 p.m. Lunch price is $37 for members, $45 for non-members. Check for details and register one week in advance through Payment by e-transfer, credit card or by cash or cheque at the door.
Frontenac Heritage Foundation AGM 2025 in the Lower Hall of The Spire (72 Sydenham Street) Doors open 6:30 p.m. | Business portion of the meeting at 7 p.m.