About The Kingston Historical Society

We recognize that our work and the work of our members take place on Indigenous territories across Eastern Ontario.

Our Mandate

  • To create, foster and maintain interest in the history and heritage of the City of Kingston and its environs
  • To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of papers with relevant historical content and to provide for the publication of such papers
  • To organize, manage, promote and assist in providing and maintaining historical museums, plaques, cairns, and other monuments to the historical past
  • To acquire documents, maps, books, photographs and other historical data and tangible articles of historic interest with a view to the preservation and display as such articles at such times and in such places as may be decided upon by the Society. Please note that because of lack of quality storage space, we are not at present accepting any new items unless they are directly associated with the Murney Tower.
  • To be an advocate for the preservation of buildings and areas of historic interest in the City of Kingston and district. This is still a concern of the Society, but we would ask you to also contact the Frontenac Heritage Foundation at https://frontenacheritage.ca/ with your concerns.
  • A note about Genealogical information: we cannot help you with genealogical inquiries. They can be made to kingstonresearch@ogs.on.ca

2025-2026 Executive

To contact any of these, please email kingstonhs@gmail.com  with the person’s name as the Subject
President: Peter Gower (Historic Kingston)
Past President: Paul Charbonneau
Vice President: Kat MacDonald
Secretary: Don Richardson
Treasurer: Peter Ginn


Betty Andrews (Limelight),   Dr. Duncan McDowall (Programme),

Dr. Craig Pettis (Webmaster), Liana Shaw (Murney Tower), Ann Stevens (Public Relations), Paul Van Nest (Membership)


Past Presidents

1893‑94           Very Rev. Buxton B. Smith

1894‑95           Rev. Samuel Houston

1895‑96           Dr. J. L. H. Neilson

1896‑97           Dr. R. T. Walkem. Q.C.

1897‑98           Professor George D. Ferguson

1898‑99           Professor Adam Shortt

1900‑01           Dr. E. H. Smythe. Q.C.

1901‑02           Rev. Conway Cartwright

1902‑03           Dr. R. T. Walkem

1903‑05           Col. M. H. Twitchell

1906‑11           Dr. R. V. Rogers, K.C.

1911‑12           J. M. Farrell, Esq.

1912‑14           Rev. Canon G. L. Starr

1914‑16           Professor G. D. Ferguson

1916‑21           Rt. Rev. Edward J. Bidwell, Bishop of Ontario

1921‑26           Major General Sir Archibald Macdonnell

1926‑29           Professor Duncan A. McArthur

1929‑32           H. F. Price. Esq.

1932‑35           Professor D. A. McArthur

1935‑41           Professor Reginald G. Trotter

1941‑51           Lt‑Col. Courtlandt M. Strange (Acting President)

1951‑58           Lt‑Col. Courtlandt M. Strange

1958‑61           Professor G. F. G. Stanley

1961‑72           Lt.‑Col. Louis J. Flynn

1972‑74           Dr. Margaret Angus

1974‑76           Mr. Bogart Trumpour

1976‑78           Mr. Alan Cohoe

1978‑80           Mr. Neil A Patterson

1980‑82           Mrs. Isobel Trumpour

1982‑84           Mr. Ray Haslewood

1984‑86           Mrs. Anne MacDermaid

1986‑88           Mr. Kevin Quinn

1988‑90           Dr. Wallace G. Breck

1990‑92           Mrs. Isobel Trumpour

1992‑94           Mr. Frank Milledge

1994‑96           Mr. J. W. Fitsell

1996‑97           Mr. A.G. Boucher

1997‑98           Major Louis Grimshaw

1998‑2000       Dr. Desmond O’Meara

2000‑02           Major Warren Everett

2002‑05           Dr. Brian S. Osborne. O.C.

2005‑07           Mr. Maurice D. Smith

2007‑09           Mr. Edward Grenda

2009‑11           Mr. Alan MacLachlan

2011‑13           Mr. Gordon Sinclair

2013‑16           Mr. Peter Gower

2016-17           Major Louis Grimshaw

2017-18           Dr.. Marcus Letourneau

2018‑ 20          Major Warren Everett

2020- 22          Mr. Vincent Durant

2022- 25          Mr. Paul Charbonneau